Tuesday, February 8, 2011


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Welcome to the 2011 school year. This year we will be working as a team in order to cover all four content areas. There are four teachers on this team, and each of us teach a different content area.

We want you to know that you, your child, and the four of us are all apart of this team together. We invite you and encourage you to play an active role in your child's education.  Team STAR stands for Student, Teachers Adult Relationships

Please feel free to check this blog as often as possible. We will make updates as well as answer questions, comments, or any concerns that you may have.

We are excited about this upcoming school year and getting the opportunity to work with you and your child.

See you in the fall. :)

Miss Zuhl, Miss Gali, Miss Stoffel, Mr. Aledia

P.S. Stay tuned for our next post, where the four of us will each introduce ourselves and our subject area.


  1. Hello Team STAR,

    My name is Shelly Johnson and I have a question for Team Star as a whole. My daughter, Rachel, is generally very shy around new people and in recent years has found it difficult to talk with her teachers. This has been a problem because she will not ask for help when she needs it which ultimately affects her grades. I was wondering if it would be possible for her to sit down and meet with a few or all of you so that she feels more comfortable asking for help. She will do much better over the school year if she forms relationships right off the bat. I know you have many responsibilities you are currently taking care of, but I would appreciate any help. Thank you so much for your time and let me know if we could set up a time to all sit down. Thank you again.

    ~Shelly Johnson

  2. Mrs. Johnson- The faculty on Team *STAR* try to make the year go as smoothly as possible. We let the students know each year that they should not be afraid of asking questions because brilliant minds always ask questions. But to answer your question, yes we will meet with Rachel and you as a staff. We want to do everything possible to make students comfortable with us so they can learn to his or her fullest potential. One of us will cintact you to schedule a time for you and your daughter to come in and get to know us a little better before the school year starts. We are very excited to meet you and young Rachel.

    Teachers of Team *STAR*
