As teachers we know it is hard at times to handle teenagers. We have come up with a list of helpful links that you can use at any time you may want. This list includes websites written by parents for parents, an authors website which explains her helpful books about raising teens, and how parenting is one tough job.
Along with these links, we often go back to two books when we have a question about teenagers and their middle school years. These two books are called Introduction to Middle School: Second Edition and This We Believe.
National Middle School Association. This We Believe: Keys to Educating Young Adolescents. Westerville, OH: National Middle School Association, 2010. Print.
Powell, Sara Davis. Introduction to Middle School. Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon, 2011. Print.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Language Arts Activities
I have provided a few links that both students and parents can use to find fun games, activities, and information regarding many topics. We will be covering a broad range of content within this subject and these websites will aid in mastering the material.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Earth's Crust
Over the next few weeks we will be learning about the earth's properties. The first layer of the earth we will be covering is the crust. I have provided a Bill Nye the Science Guy videos that you may watch with your child that might help learn about the earth's crust. There are three parts to this episode. If you enjoy the first video clip, you may watch the second and third one.
I am also including some links to websites that will be helpful for your child's homework and project.
Please feel free to let me know of any other helpful websites or information that you find when helping your child. Thanks!
Social Studies Odds and Ends!
I have provided a video here for you to watch with your child that might help them with all of the presidents. I also have included some sites that your child can use for research, as well as help them with projects and homework. Their are also some interactive historical sites that you might want to check out. Remember that without our history, we would all be a mystery! Please also feel free to let me know of any other websites that you know of or find when helping your child.
Thanks :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Math is a really cool thing!
Here I have provided a few fun websites that you can share with your kids if they need some extra help on math outside of school. These websites are full of games that let your kids have fun but learn a little something at the same time. I hope they help you and your kids.
Top 5 Things Middle School Parents Should Know!
1. It is important for you to stay involved in your child's life. This could mean supporting them at a basketball game, picking them up from school, or just helping with homework. Staying involved is a key component to keeping a positive relationship with your child.
2. When your child expresses that he/she does not want you around or treats you poorly in front of their peers, just know they are trying to appeal to others, even if it means putting you down. Communication is key when it comes to this issue. It is importnat to find a way to relate to them on the subject of peers.
3. Middle school age students are at a point in their life where many changes are occuring. This causes a rollercoaster of emotions and sometimes outbursts or breakdowns. It is necessary for parents to realize what is going on and just listen to your child when they need someone to confide in. Being on their side will keep you close and maintain a relatively positive relationship.
4. As a parent, it is important to stress getting involved when it comes to your child. Allow them the opportunity to get involved in clubs, activities, or sports. This is a way to keep them around positive, hard-working peers, as well as keep them busy (ultimately keeping them out of trouble).
5. Keep in contact with your child's teacher! This will 1.) show that you care about your child's grades. 2.)keep them on track if they know you are watching. 3.) allows for the teacher to help in many other ways.
2. When your child expresses that he/she does not want you around or treats you poorly in front of their peers, just know they are trying to appeal to others, even if it means putting you down. Communication is key when it comes to this issue. It is importnat to find a way to relate to them on the subject of peers.
3. Middle school age students are at a point in their life where many changes are occuring. This causes a rollercoaster of emotions and sometimes outbursts or breakdowns. It is necessary for parents to realize what is going on and just listen to your child when they need someone to confide in. Being on their side will keep you close and maintain a relatively positive relationship.
4. As a parent, it is important to stress getting involved when it comes to your child. Allow them the opportunity to get involved in clubs, activities, or sports. This is a way to keep them around positive, hard-working peers, as well as keep them busy (ultimately keeping them out of trouble).
5. Keep in contact with your child's teacher! This will 1.) show that you care about your child's grades. 2.)keep them on track if they know you are watching. 3.) allows for the teacher to help in many other ways.
"E" stands for Emotional
The fifth developmental area that you may want to know more about is the “E" in SPICE”, which stands for Emotional. This is the area that addresses the impossible to predict roller coaster of emotions that middle school students deal with. The students at this age are also extremely unpredictable with their emotions, and most of the time can’t even control them.
Variety of Emotions
The emotions that middle school students have are extremely unpredictable as well as frequent. It is important to know that, “young adolescents may have emotions that are unpredictable, extreme, and unstable. They may be moody, anxious, angry, and embarrassed by things that we don’t see as important” (33).
As parents you should also know that the transition from elementary to middle school is a huge change for children. Therefore, “the transition from elementary to middle school carries with it a myriad of changes that to a 10- or 11- year old may seem overwhelming” (33).
According to Powell, “emotional development is interrelated with both physical and intellectual development” (33). This means that your child’s emotions will influence their ability to pay attention and retain the information that they learn. Therefore, it is important for us as teacher to be aware of this and teach with that in mind.
Another thing that students deal with is worrying. Children at this age tend to worry about everyone and everything. Also, “their fears have changed from those of childhood concerns to concerns about social and appearance issues, such as, “Do I fit in? Does my hair look okay and Will I be able to sit with those girls at lunch?
According to Powell, “from an adult perspective, the sources of these negative emotions may seem trivial, but remember that our perceptions become our realities” (35). It is important for both us as teachers and you as parents to know how to acknowledge students when they are upset. For example, “when a 12-year-old girl is crying because she found uncomplimentary notes written about her by kids she considered as friends, the last thing she wants to hear is “It’s no big deal, you’ll find new friends.” Instead, we should acknowledge that she is hurt” (35). It is extremely important to be aware of her feelings and acknowledge her based on how she is acting. Also, “the gift of an understanding ear will allow her to express her feelings and know that someone cares. It won’t take away the hurt, but it will legitimize he emotions and give her the opportunity to work through the grief of the moment” (35).
"C" stands for Character
The fourth developmental area in "SPICE" is "C" which stands for Character. This area addresses the actual personality and thought process of a young adolescent. School effects an adolescents character by a great deal because of the amount of time spent there throughout their young lives.
Young Adolescent Character Traits-
As parents, you have to realize that your child generally has character traits that young adolescents have naturally. According to Ms. Sara Davis Powell, these character traits involve fairness, asking unanswerable questions, needing support but don't ask for it, and making poor decisions for peer acceptance. These four traits happen among adolescents but are not always seen. They want to be independent but they do not know how to. They try to make sense of a world they have not seen yet and want to know everything at that very moment. They will learn how and when they want to.
School Programs-
As adults and teachers, we try to help along the process of young adolescent character traits. Schools have adopted character-development programs that are brought to students in a variety of different ways. But no matter what, not all teachers can agree on what is best for character-development. Sometimes teachers argue on which character traits need to have the most focus. But in the article "Intrinsic Goodness: Facilitating Character Development," written by Richardson and Norman (2000), 10 necessary attributes for character growth are addressed. These 10 are self-discovery, self-management, delayed gratification, courage, honesty, empathy, altruism, problem solving, tolerance, and social deftness.
Even though not all teachers can agree on what characteristics need to be concentrated on, it is our job to be the "character-building program." Like Ms. Sara Davis Powell says, "whether they acknowledge it or not, students watch us and count on us to model exemplary character." So it is up to us as teachers to help these students build the right character no matter where we teach.
Young Adolescent Character Traits-
As parents, you have to realize that your child generally has character traits that young adolescents have naturally. According to Ms. Sara Davis Powell, these character traits involve fairness, asking unanswerable questions, needing support but don't ask for it, and making poor decisions for peer acceptance. These four traits happen among adolescents but are not always seen. They want to be independent but they do not know how to. They try to make sense of a world they have not seen yet and want to know everything at that very moment. They will learn how and when they want to.
School Programs-
As adults and teachers, we try to help along the process of young adolescent character traits. Schools have adopted character-development programs that are brought to students in a variety of different ways. But no matter what, not all teachers can agree on what is best for character-development. Sometimes teachers argue on which character traits need to have the most focus. But in the article "Intrinsic Goodness: Facilitating Character Development," written by Richardson and Norman (2000), 10 necessary attributes for character growth are addressed. These 10 are self-discovery, self-management, delayed gratification, courage, honesty, empathy, altruism, problem solving, tolerance, and social deftness.
Even though not all teachers can agree on what characteristics need to be concentrated on, it is our job to be the "character-building program." Like Ms. Sara Davis Powell says, "whether they acknowledge it or not, students watch us and count on us to model exemplary character." So it is up to us as teachers to help these students build the right character no matter where we teach.
"I" stands for Intellectual
The third developmental area you may want to know more about is the "I" in "Spice" which stands for Intellectual. This includes the basic idea of transitioning into a more adult way of thinking and solving problems. Ultimately, the student will be able to make connections and have a new, greater perspective on issues, and thinking in a more complex manner. This is a major developmental area because students are forming opinions on certain ideas and are coming to conclusions based on how they view the world. This idea of experiencing and forming connections is evident throughout this age group, providing the opportunity for students to expand and broaden their beliefs.
Sara Davis Powell stated that "Middle level students are generally concrete thinkers at age 10, and some may remain basically concrete through age 14. However, they may be concrete at age 10 and well on their way to abstract thinking capabilities by age 11." (p. 30) Concrete thinking applies to the idea of a child learning based on something that is visually familiar. Abstract on the other hand describes a type of thinking that goes beyond what is seen, but provide mental connections based on perspective and prediction. Powell is coming to the conclusion that each student will develop differently in this area and may not think abstractly around the same time as every other student. As teachers, we are responsible for advocating for all students and understanding where they are on this developmental spectrum as well as providing parents with the tools to help make this transition easier.
As we all know, some children do not have the longest attention span and sometimes find it difficult to focus in on a certain lesson or a lecture from a parent. Intellectual development is the cause of this issue! It may be necessary to break a lesson up into segments (in the classroom) and may benefit to do the same at home while the child is doing chores or their homework. Keeping them engaged in the task at hand as well as giving them ample time to complete the task is always necessary. Also, embracing a child's imagination is always a positive when it comes to learning. Allowing them to use their creativity or specific gift will benefit the child more than forcing them to do something in a specific way. Powell also states that "While we may be able to identify and characterize stages of mental and intellectual growth, we must remember that the process of moving from concrete to abstract thinking is completely individual." (p. 31) It is important to realize that not all children will develop in the same way or at the same time!
Sara Davis Powell stated that "Middle level students are generally concrete thinkers at age 10, and some may remain basically concrete through age 14. However, they may be concrete at age 10 and well on their way to abstract thinking capabilities by age 11." (p. 30) Concrete thinking applies to the idea of a child learning based on something that is visually familiar. Abstract on the other hand describes a type of thinking that goes beyond what is seen, but provide mental connections based on perspective and prediction. Powell is coming to the conclusion that each student will develop differently in this area and may not think abstractly around the same time as every other student. As teachers, we are responsible for advocating for all students and understanding where they are on this developmental spectrum as well as providing parents with the tools to help make this transition easier.
As we all know, some children do not have the longest attention span and sometimes find it difficult to focus in on a certain lesson or a lecture from a parent. Intellectual development is the cause of this issue! It may be necessary to break a lesson up into segments (in the classroom) and may benefit to do the same at home while the child is doing chores or their homework. Keeping them engaged in the task at hand as well as giving them ample time to complete the task is always necessary. Also, embracing a child's imagination is always a positive when it comes to learning. Allowing them to use their creativity or specific gift will benefit the child more than forcing them to do something in a specific way. Powell also states that "While we may be able to identify and characterize stages of mental and intellectual growth, we must remember that the process of moving from concrete to abstract thinking is completely individual." (p. 31) It is important to realize that not all children will develop in the same way or at the same time!
"P" stands for Physical
The second developmental area that you may want to know more about is the “P" in SPICE”, which stands for Physical. This is the area that addresses the physical appearance of adolescence. This focuses on topics such as mismatched parts, puberty, sexual maturity, and timing. Children at this age strive to be physically attractive and it is something that is extremely important to them at this age.
Mismatched Parts-
Children at this age will be extremely mismatched, which means that your child will have arms that are too long, ears that are too big, feet that are too small, and voices that are too squeaky. Before I get any further, I want you to know that this is normal for this age group.
According to Powell, “growth spurts usually occur for boys between the ages of 12 and 14, but for some boys, rapid physical growth may be delayed well into high school” (25). Growth is also very seldom for young adolescents, and could happen at any time. Also, during this time the bones will grow faster than the muscles will from. Basically this means that, “while weight gain generally accompanies bone growth, without equivalent development of muscle, awkwardness, and clumsiness are inevitable” (25). It is also common for boys at this age to have joint pain, leg, aches, restlessness, and fatigue.
According to Powell, “girls generally experience rapid growth a year or two before boys” (26). This means that the girls will start growing and getting taller most likely before the boys in their classes will.
Puberty is the transition time period between childhood and the beginning of young adulthood. Most parents will get nervous when they hear about this, however most just need to be informed. According to Powell, “during puberty biological changes that make us taller, heavier, and more muscular are accompanied by hormonal changes that forever alter our bodies in equally significant ways” (26).
Even though the testosterone is present in the boys and the estrogen is present in the girls, “the balance of the hormones is broken during puberty so that one hormone takes over to influence sexual development” (26).
There are many changes that will take place during puberty for both a girl and a boy. For instance, “hair growth develops under arms, on legs, in pubic areas, and on the face” (26). Also, “the voice changes are the larynx grows larger, Girls’ voices may become more mellow, while boys’ voices may go through those embarrassing falsetto-crack-bass-crack-falsetto moments” (26). This is also the time when oil and sweat glands may begin to function.
I would suggest that during this time that you make sure to buy acne medication, shampoo and deodorant, in order to keep you child on top of what’s going on the outside of their body. Also make sure that you remember what your child is going though and be aware that they will want to shower often and much longer than they normally do.
Sexual Maturity-
It is also important to know that during the time of puberty also comes sexual maturation. This also means that your child now has all of the parts needed in order to reproduce. However, don’t let that scare you, “because the body often matures before mental and emotional decision-making skills, developing middle grades students are at high risk for either poor decisions or not thinking at all before acting” (26).
This is a huge factor for children at this age, because it’s all about the timing and when certain things happen. It is important to know that, “rapid physical changes, puberty, and sexual maturation generally take place, in starts and stops, between the ages of 10 and 14.
I do want you as parents to know though that puberty most likely will be one of the most challenging periods of life for adolescents. Therefore, it’s good to know what to expect in order to help your children throughout the various changes that will occur.
According to Powell, “these patterns happen rapidly and early for some, and slowly and haltingly for others. The “early bloomers” may be boastful, but are often embarrassed. The “late bloomers” are almost always self-conscious. There are emotional consequences associated with physical changes that can lead to long-lasting and very memorable scars on the psyche that haunt for a lifetime” (27).
Issues to be aware of-
It is also important to know that along with these physical changes, it will also affect the behavior from your child. Therefore, keep in mind that your child will act differently both around you and while they are at school.
Also, the students will need to have an increased as well as a balance diet. However, “there are two problems when it comes to young adolescents increasing what they eat in a balanced way. Body image worries scream “thin” to many middle level students. And then, when they’re hungry, their taste buds, along with peer pressure, often lead them to less nutritional choices.
I just advise you to be aware of these changes, as well as to encourage your child to eat as healthy and balanced meal as possible.
Also, please fell free to ask us any questions that you may have about this information. Also, a good person to talk to would be your child's doctor or physician if it's something serious.
Mismatched Parts-
Children at this age will be extremely mismatched, which means that your child will have arms that are too long, ears that are too big, feet that are too small, and voices that are too squeaky. Before I get any further, I want you to know that this is normal for this age group.
According to Powell, “growth spurts usually occur for boys between the ages of 12 and 14, but for some boys, rapid physical growth may be delayed well into high school” (25). Growth is also very seldom for young adolescents, and could happen at any time. Also, during this time the bones will grow faster than the muscles will from. Basically this means that, “while weight gain generally accompanies bone growth, without equivalent development of muscle, awkwardness, and clumsiness are inevitable” (25). It is also common for boys at this age to have joint pain, leg, aches, restlessness, and fatigue.
According to Powell, “girls generally experience rapid growth a year or two before boys” (26). This means that the girls will start growing and getting taller most likely before the boys in their classes will.
Puberty is the transition time period between childhood and the beginning of young adulthood. Most parents will get nervous when they hear about this, however most just need to be informed. According to Powell, “during puberty biological changes that make us taller, heavier, and more muscular are accompanied by hormonal changes that forever alter our bodies in equally significant ways” (26).
Even though the testosterone is present in the boys and the estrogen is present in the girls, “the balance of the hormones is broken during puberty so that one hormone takes over to influence sexual development” (26).
There are many changes that will take place during puberty for both a girl and a boy. For instance, “hair growth develops under arms, on legs, in pubic areas, and on the face” (26). Also, “the voice changes are the larynx grows larger, Girls’ voices may become more mellow, while boys’ voices may go through those embarrassing falsetto-crack-bass-crack-falsetto moments” (26). This is also the time when oil and sweat glands may begin to function.
I would suggest that during this time that you make sure to buy acne medication, shampoo and deodorant, in order to keep you child on top of what’s going on the outside of their body. Also make sure that you remember what your child is going though and be aware that they will want to shower often and much longer than they normally do.
Sexual Maturity-
It is also important to know that during the time of puberty also comes sexual maturation. This also means that your child now has all of the parts needed in order to reproduce. However, don’t let that scare you, “because the body often matures before mental and emotional decision-making skills, developing middle grades students are at high risk for either poor decisions or not thinking at all before acting” (26).
This is a huge factor for children at this age, because it’s all about the timing and when certain things happen. It is important to know that, “rapid physical changes, puberty, and sexual maturation generally take place, in starts and stops, between the ages of 10 and 14.
I do want you as parents to know though that puberty most likely will be one of the most challenging periods of life for adolescents. Therefore, it’s good to know what to expect in order to help your children throughout the various changes that will occur.
According to Powell, “these patterns happen rapidly and early for some, and slowly and haltingly for others. The “early bloomers” may be boastful, but are often embarrassed. The “late bloomers” are almost always self-conscious. There are emotional consequences associated with physical changes that can lead to long-lasting and very memorable scars on the psyche that haunt for a lifetime” (27).
Issues to be aware of-
It is also important to know that along with these physical changes, it will also affect the behavior from your child. Therefore, keep in mind that your child will act differently both around you and while they are at school.
Also, the students will need to have an increased as well as a balance diet. However, “there are two problems when it comes to young adolescents increasing what they eat in a balanced way. Body image worries scream “thin” to many middle level students. And then, when they’re hungry, their taste buds, along with peer pressure, often lead them to less nutritional choices.
I just advise you to be aware of these changes, as well as to encourage your child to eat as healthy and balanced meal as possible.
Also, please fell free to ask us any questions that you may have about this information. Also, a good person to talk to would be your child's doctor or physician if it's something serious.
"S" stands for Social
The first developmental area that you may want to know more about is the “S" in SPICE”, which stands for Social. This is the area that addresses them wanting to find out more about who they are. This focuses on their friends, as well as the people around them. The students will strive to have acceptance with their peers, and they will do whatever they can to earn that. There are various relationships that students may encounter during this phase in their life. The two that we are going to focus on are the Adult Relationships and the Peer and Group Relationships.
Adult Relationships-
According to Sara Powell Davis this is when, “young adolescents often find themselves caught between their desire to be safe and secure (as in childhood) and their desire for freedom and independence” (37).
Also, even though children want affirmation from both their parents and teachers, they also will end up getting into arguments with them. The reason for this is because they want to show that they have a mind of their own. Sara Powell Davis also states that, “even as young adolescents tend to disassociate themselves from family; they may seek to emulate other adults” (37).
Peer and Group Relationships-
Another type of relationship that students will come across at this age period is a relationship between their peer groups. This is the point when the adolescents start to realize that they can’t always please both the adults and their peers that they hang out with. The peer will also realize that friends play a greater significance in their lives at this time.
According to Sara Powell Davis, this is a time when, “fear of being different and therefore not accepted by peers, is a drive that for most is unavoidable. They adopt personalities and appearances that will win them placement in a group” (37).
This is extremely important and a big choice for the child, because it is the time when they chose their friends and who they want to associate themselves with. Also, “being part of a group provides security and is a source of feedback when experimentation and dilemmas occur” (37). For a peer it also is more important for them to be in a group than on which group they actually are a part of. Also Davis notes that, “since most of us don’t choose our families or teachers, choosing friends and a peer group takes on importance as a factor in establishing identity and independence” (37).
Students also will be faced with peer pressure around this age, because of the groups that they chose to associate themselves with. Therefore, the peer pressure can have a positive or negative effect on the individual, For example, “if peer pressure dictates that good grades, church attendance, and politeness are the norm, then most adults cheer the influence. However, if peer pressure leads to smoking, drinking, drugs, vandalism, or early sex, then it is viewed as negative.
It is also important to note that the beginning stages of early adolescence ages 10-12 that the friendships between same sex friends is vital in an adolescent’s life. Therefore, the child will strive to find a best friend that they can look up to and spend time with.
Overall, “the social development of early adolescence includes some notable paradoxes in their quest for independence, adolescents will freely conform it fit in. They rebel against adult authority while doing what they can to become adult like” (37).
Adult Relationships-
According to Sara Powell Davis this is when, “young adolescents often find themselves caught between their desire to be safe and secure (as in childhood) and their desire for freedom and independence” (37).
Also, even though children want affirmation from both their parents and teachers, they also will end up getting into arguments with them. The reason for this is because they want to show that they have a mind of their own. Sara Powell Davis also states that, “even as young adolescents tend to disassociate themselves from family; they may seek to emulate other adults” (37).
Peer and Group Relationships-
Another type of relationship that students will come across at this age period is a relationship between their peer groups. This is the point when the adolescents start to realize that they can’t always please both the adults and their peers that they hang out with. The peer will also realize that friends play a greater significance in their lives at this time.
According to Sara Powell Davis, this is a time when, “fear of being different and therefore not accepted by peers, is a drive that for most is unavoidable. They adopt personalities and appearances that will win them placement in a group” (37).
This is extremely important and a big choice for the child, because it is the time when they chose their friends and who they want to associate themselves with. Also, “being part of a group provides security and is a source of feedback when experimentation and dilemmas occur” (37). For a peer it also is more important for them to be in a group than on which group they actually are a part of. Also Davis notes that, “since most of us don’t choose our families or teachers, choosing friends and a peer group takes on importance as a factor in establishing identity and independence” (37).
Students also will be faced with peer pressure around this age, because of the groups that they chose to associate themselves with. Therefore, the peer pressure can have a positive or negative effect on the individual, For example, “if peer pressure dictates that good grades, church attendance, and politeness are the norm, then most adults cheer the influence. However, if peer pressure leads to smoking, drinking, drugs, vandalism, or early sex, then it is viewed as negative.
It is also important to note that the beginning stages of early adolescence ages 10-12 that the friendships between same sex friends is vital in an adolescent’s life. Therefore, the child will strive to find a best friend that they can look up to and spend time with.
Overall, “the social development of early adolescence includes some notable paradoxes in their quest for independence, adolescents will freely conform it fit in. They rebel against adult authority while doing what they can to become adult like” (37).
Introduction to S.P.I.C.E
Throughout the year, our faculty will concentrate on the elements of S.P.I.C.E. Each letter of S.P.I.C.E stands for needs of your child at this age. The “S” stands for the social needs of his or her life; the “P” stands for the physical needs; the “I” stands for intellectual needs; the “C” stands for the character needs, and the “E” stands for emotional needs. The next few blogs that we post will be specifically about these elements and how they will affect your child.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Meet Mr. Frank Aledia of Team *STAR*
Welcome to Team *STAR*! My name is Mr. Frank Aledia and I will be your child's Mathematics teacher for the upcoming school year. I graduated from Ashland University with my Bachelor's degree in Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Math and Science. I am very excited to work with you child this year on Team *STAR*!
I have many plans for my students this year to make them more proficient in their Math skills. A selection of worksheets, in-class activities, group work, and many other ways of learning will help these students learn as much as their little minds can at this point in their lives. If they are having trouble then I will have certain times to help outside of class with students either one-on-one or in small groups.
Throughout the school year myself and the other teachers of Team *STAR* will be here not just for the students, but for parents as well. I will be checking my blog multiple times a day so I can respond as soon as possible if there are any questions or problems.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your kids. I hope that I am able to make you have faith in our program and start your kids off on the right track.
-Mr. Frank Aledia
Meet Miss Stoffel of Team *STAR*
Welcome to Team *STAR*
My name is Stephanie Stoffel and I will be your child’s Language Arts teacher for the 2011 school year. I have a degree from Ashland University in Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Mathematics and Language Arts. I am also currently working towards getting my Master’s Degree.
Over this school year, I will be teaching a range of material related to Language Arts and also allow your student to explore the ideas discussed in class. I believe that reading is a key concept and base to any child’s education, therefore leading to my focus on student-chosen novels during designated reading periods. This allows the students to have a say in their education and make decisions based on their interests. Vocabulary is also a major topic on my to-do list as well as comprehension in novel-related material.
Overall, this school year will consist of many in-class activities as well as group-work related to specific topics. I will consider accommodations for each student and allow them time to interact with classmates when needed.
I look forward to educating your student and also collaborating with you as well. Thank you so much for your time and if you ever have any questions and concerns please feel free to contact me!
~Miss Stephanie Stoffel
Grade 5 (LA)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Meet Miss Gali of Team *STAR*
Welcome to Team *STAR*!
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Miss Jennifer Gali and I will be your child’s science teacher this year. I graduated from Ashland University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Intervention. In addition I have both the Reading and Middle School Endorsements. I am very excited to get to work with your child and the entire team this upcoming year.
Science is a subject that requires a lot of hands-on projects and lessons. Throughout this year we will be working both in and outside of the classroom in order for the students to fully grasp the concepts and importance of science. A few units that we will be covering throughout the year will be the solar system, compare and contrasting animals and plants, and the properties of light and sound. These are just a few of our topics; there will be many other interesting topics that we will cover in science class. I am also organizing a field trip or two for the children to learn more about science outside the classroom.
Since we are working in a team of four this year; we will be collaborating and talking with one another multiple times throughout the week. We will meet with one another on a regular basis in order to talk about what’s going on in the classrooms.
We also would love to have your help throughout the year in order to help with various projects and events. Please contact us if you would be interested in this opportunity.
I am excited to get to know your child and work with them this upcoming year!
Please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.
Thanks and see you soon!
Miss Gali
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Meet Miss Zuhl of Team *STAR*
Welcome to the fall 2010-2100 school year!
My name is Miss Katherine Zuhl and I will be teaching social studies to your students this year. In order for you to get to know me a little better, I am going to tell you about myself. I graduated from Ashland University in May of 2011 with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. I also have both the Reading and Middle Grades Generalist Endorsement. This is my first year of teaching, but I am really excited about the opportunity to work with your child throughout the year.
I have many exciting units, projects, and lessons planned for social studies this year. I plan on doing a variety of different projects, in order for the students to learn about the importance of history. I also have contacted a teacher in Germany, and the students will have the opportunity to be pen pals and talk on Skype with a German fifth grade class. I find it really important for students to interact with students their own age around the world and this is one way that we will be doing that. I also will have the students write thank you letters to the troops that our serving for our country, in order to acknowledge and thank them for all that they have done.
Since we are working in a team of four this year, we will be collaborating and talking with one another all of the time. We will meet with one another on a consistent basis in order to talk about what's going on in the classroom. I for one know that this is going to be a great year and I am looking forward to it.
Like we said earlier, please feel free to contact us at anytime. I know that I speak for all of the teachers when I say that, and we are happy to hear from you. We also would love to have your help throughout the year in order to help with various projects and events. Please contact us if you would be interested in this opportunity.
Please also feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns.
I look forward to working with and playing an active role in your child's life throughout the year! I also forward to hopefully getting to know each of you!
Thanks and see you soon!!
Miss Zuhl
Welcome to the 2011 school year. This year we will be working as a team in order to cover all four content areas. There are four teachers on this team, and each of us teach a different content area.
We want you to know that you, your child, and the four of us are all apart of this team together. We invite you and encourage you to play an active role in your child's education. Team STAR stands for Student, Teachers Adult Relationships
Please feel free to check this blog as often as possible. We will make updates as well as answer questions, comments, or any concerns that you may have.
We are excited about this upcoming school year and getting the opportunity to work with you and your child.
See you in the fall. :)
Miss Zuhl, Miss Gali, Miss Stoffel, Mr. Aledia
P.S. Stay tuned for our next post, where the four of us will each introduce ourselves and our subject area.
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